Wascana Centre Authority is reminding all boaters on Wascana Lake to please stay off the water east of the Broad Street Bridge. This area is a federally protected Migratory Bird Sanctuary established in 1956 due to concerns about the effects of urban expansion on migratory birds in the Wascana Centre area. The Sanctuary is located on the Lake east of the Broad Street Bridge and is off-limits to all boaters without specific written permission from Wascana Centre Authority.


The area was established for the protection and conservation of migratory bird activities and to ensure that no human activities could harm birds, their nests or their eggs. Over 300 breeding pairs of Canada Geese nest in the Centre each year. The main duck species that regularly nest in the Migratory Bird Sanctuary include Mallard, Northern Pintail and Blue-winged Teal. The area also attracts at least 115 species of migrants, including large numbers of spring and fall staging waterfowl.


Please help us keep this area in the tranquil state it was intended for.